Are Wedding Photographers worth it?

During your wedding planning, you may have wondered whether wedding photographers are worth it, right? You probably want to make sure you're not wasting any money on your wedding, regardless of the size of your budget.

It can make you consider asking one of your friends to shoot some photos instead or even scrapping the idea altogether! So why are wedding photographers worth it?

5 Reasons why you need a Wedding Photographer

  • You can See the Parts you Missed

  • Capture Family and Friends in that Stage of Life

  • Memories

  • High-quality Images 

  • No regrets!

You Can See The Parts You Missed

Weddings are a flurry of joy and excitement. The majority of couples are shocked by how quickly their wedding day goes by. Months or even years of preparing have flown by in an instant. Your photographer will make sure you don't miss anything; whether it's when you exchange vows or when your grandmother busts out her best moves in the middle of the dance floor, we'll try our best to capture everything on camera.

Would you want to miss these little moments? This is a common reason as to why people think their wedding photographer is worth it!

Capture Family and Friends in that Stage of Life

Hiring a wedding photographer for your wedding is the perfect way to document this incredible period of your life while it is enjoyed with family and friends. It will be fascinating to look back at your wedding photos years later to see how people have changed.

Having these memories is totally worth it as you will be great to put on prints and albums, thay everyone can look back on and reminisce that stage of life. 


You can share your images with your family and friends through social media, as gifts and even as a photo album to look back on with future generations. It is a great way to share exciting memories on your anniversaries or even as Christmas gifts!

You can post those sweet, loving and even funny moments that were captured, like your flower girl breakdancing in the middle of the dance floor! Or if you want to get real emotional, the moment your dad sheds a tear as you walk down the aisle. 

High-quality Images

There is more to Photography than an Expensive Camera

You want someone who is proficient with using a camera, who has expertise taking photos in various lighting and atmospheric situations, who can compose various images and execute them flawlessly.

The photographer controls this rather than the camera, and they have honed their expertise and knowledge through many hours of shooting and years of experience. With this, you get stability and an entire album's worth of gorgeous photographs, not just one or two.

Don’t ask a Friend or Family Member

Your wedding day isn't a photo shoot; it's a dynamic event with only one opportunity to capture those moments. They will also be able to predict what will happen next, they will be familiar with the day's flow, they will have already found the ideal location for those beautiful bride and groom shots, and they will know the ideal spots in the venue with the perfect backdrop.

I highly caution you not to ask a friend or family member to be your photographer, for the above reasons and simply because would you not want them to just fully enjoy and be present for the day, rather than giving them the stress of capturing photos all day? Also, they won't be as prepared or know how to direct for portraits - making you feel awkward in your photos or unhappy with the final product. 

They may even miss an important part of the day due to lack of professional equipment or not understanding the flow of your day. If the day is too bright or two dark and they have never experienced that before it will effect the quality of the images.

Finally, they may have less commitment meaning you might be left without a backup if they fail to show up, get sick, or unable to attend for other reasons. This makes hiring a wedding photographer worth it. 

It is all you Have at the End

Seeing your wedding images after the wedding is over gives you the chance to relive the entire day while also catching moments you might have missed, seeing people's faces in photos, or seeing a collection of photos that capture a particular moment with your guests that you might have missed.

When the big day is done, all you will have left are images, which you will preserve and share to friends, family, and future generations. Make certain that these are happy memories rather than a book that makes you realise how a wedding photographer is worth it and how you wish you had spent a little more money and hired an expert.

No Regrets!

Last but not least, you will have no regrets! You don't want to wait until the day following your wedding to wish you had hired a wedding photographer. If it's something you're thinking about, it's best to explore all choices when planning. The main reason for hiring a photographer for your wedding is for this exact reason.

Common Questions People Have

How to Choose a Wedding Photographer?

Choose a wedding photographer that you trust. You can build trust by have a conversation over a zoom call or in person! I love meeting my couples for a coffee and a chat as it is the perfect way to build a good relationship, get to know them and it is a perfect excuse for coffee!

Make sure to choose a wedding photographer who’s style you adore. You want to make sure you look back at your wedding photos and they feel authentic to you in terms of the style and editing, some people like bold and bright, some people like warm and moody and some like light and airy - it is a personal choice that is important to consider. 

How long do you need a photographer at your Wedding?

There are numerous photographers out there, and each one offers a selection of packages. They range from shorter coverage to all-day photography, beginning with pictures of the girls getting ready in the morning and ending with the party and dancing in the evening. It is important to consider how long you want your wedding photographer for and what aspects of the day you want capturing.

How much should I budget for a Wedding Photographer?

Managing your wedding budget is one of the most important planning steps.This budget option will have an impact on all of your other choices, including the location, guest list, catering, and whether or not you can afford that pricey band or not.

The remainder includes fixed expenses like your photographer, videographer, and entertainment. Then there are the more arbitrary and logistical details, such as labour, lighting, decor, and any other items you deem essential.

  1. Venue and Catering - 40% of your budget

  2. Photography and Videography - 15% of your budget

  3. Wedding Attire and Beauty - 5% of your budget

  4. Music/Entertainment - 10% of your budget

  5. Flowers - 10% of your budget

  6. Favours and Gifts - 2% of your budget

  7. Transportation - 3%of your budget

Are you ready to invest? 

Your wedding day is a once in a lifetime moment, so capturing these memories are the best way to look back at how fulfilling the day was! Not having a wedding photographer could lead to regret and certain little memories forgotten.

If you have been wondering as to whether a wedding photographer is worth it, then the simple answer is a certain yes! Start enquiring today and find the photographer for you!


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